Here is how to fix the financial crisis.
- Suspend "mark to market" accounting. This will eleviate the credit crunch, IMMEDIATELY! This can be done by the President without Congressional approval
- REPEAL SORBANES-OXLEY! This was a bad law in response to another crisis. Remember, Enron and all those guys. As a side note, I think that it is interesting to have a law named after a man serving time (Oxley).
- Have a loan-out not a bail-out. Have these troubled or credit crunched institutions BORROW the money from the Fed. Don't just give them the money for the bad business and bail them out. Allow them to borrowe the money at the Fed rate plus 2% for 5 years.
All this from ONLY 5% of all loans out there. Amazing how such a small part of the financial markets can mess it up for everyone.
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